How to glue a magnet to glass ?
How to glue a magnet to glass ?
Magnets can be attached to all materials, including wood, fabrics, metal, and glass. As long as you have the right glue, you should easily attach the magnet exactly where you want it on the glass. When thinking glass, contact adhesive, and silicone glue best keep the magnet in place. Even though other glue types work well with glass, the two are the best for the application.
Different installations and projects can cost you lots of money when you must use the assistance of a professional. But when you know how to handle the process and complete it successfully, you can save money and still have your magnet working effectively for your needs. It could be that you want a magnetic strip on your glass shower door or any other place; a simple process is all it takes to have your item working properly.

Choosing your glue
When attaching a magnet to glass for whatever reason, everyone wishes to have it serve their needs for many years to come. Therefore, the type of glue you settle for plays a huge role in the result you get. An adhesive that is not durable or sticky enough will only leave you more miserable than before. It helps to get it right, from choosing the glue to attaching the magnet the right way.
As mentioned before, silicone glue and contact adhesive are the best for sticking magnets to glass. Double stick tapes are not liquid glues but can also work well on glass. You can weigh your options by looking at the pros and cons of each type and then settle according to the application you have at hand and its requirements.
It is also important to ensure that you get your adhesive from a brand you can trust for quality. Deep Material has some of the best glues for all kinds of applications. The manufacturer pays attention to quality, and you can fully trust the products you get for whatever needs you to have. Let the professionals assist you with finding the right adhesive for your project when you are not very sure what glue is best.
Attaching the magnet
Now that you have the best glue ready, it is time to attach the magnet to your glass. You will need to have the following:
- The magnet or magnetic strip
- The selected adhesive
- Screwdriver
- Measuring tool
- Sharp blade or scissors
If attaching the magnetic strip to a shower door, follow the easy steps below.
- Expose the area where you need to glue the magnet; you can use a screwdriver on the door’s interior lever
- Ensure the glass is clean before you start gluing the magnet
- If working with a magnetic strip, cut it into the right size for the space
- Apply your glue generously onto the designated area
- Place the magnet firmly onto the glued area and allow proper drying
- You can now replace the lever and secure it with the screw
- You can now test your glass application to see whether the magnet is secure enough to function as desired

After gluing the magnet, allow the glue to dry completely before testing it out.
For more about how to glue a magnet to glass,you can pay a visit to DeepMaterial at for more info.